Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

Black History Month

This February we celebrate the many achievements of African Americans and recognize their central role in U.S. history.

The theme for 2022’s Black History Month focuses on the importance of Black Health and Wellness. This theme acknowledges the legacy of not only Black scholars and medical practitioners in Western medicine, but also other ways of knowing (e.g., birthworkers, doulas, midwives, naturopaths, herbalists, etc.) throughout the African Diaspora. The 2022 theme considers activities, rituals and initiatives that Black communities have done to be well.

The resources below feature the Black community in Minnesota, their personal journeys toward health, and the work they’re doing to make health and wellness a reality for all. Listen to, watch, and read the resources below to learn how current and historical leaders have advanced health equity across the state.

  • Listen: Black Men, Mental Health, Trauma and Resilience

    Pleasant Radford, Jr., facilitated this barber-shop style discussion with four Black Minnesota men to talk about mental health, racial trauma and the importance of talking about these issues.

  • Listen: Leading Change in Health Equity

    In this special edition of the State We’re In podcast, Anika Ward, Director of the Center for Prevention, has a conversation with her brother, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, about his leadership in Saint Paul, and the City’s role in the health of its residents.

  • Listen: Trauma and Repair

    In this episode we’re focusing on Trauma and Repair: how trauma threatens health and wellbeing for individuals and communities. It’s an important issue for us at the Center for Prevention, as it feeds into the health disparities we see in Minnesota.  It’s not an exaggeration to say that unaddressed trauma generates lifelong consequences that can end in early death.

  • Learn: What is Black Lives Matter?

    Black Lives Matter is a movement to bring justice, healing, and freedom to Black people across the globe by addressing systemic racism and violence against Black people. Click below to watch the video, read more and reflect.

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  • Learn: What is Anti-Blackness?

    Anti-Blackness refers to structural racism and oppression that marginalizes Black people and can include violence, discrimination, dehumanizing policy, police brutality, segregation, mass incarceration, devaluing Black lives and more. Click below to watch the video, read more and reflect.

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  • Learn: What does it mean to be anti-racist?

    To be anti-racist first requires us to recognize that racism is real and embedded so deeply in our society that it impacts almost everything we do and experience in both obvious and unseen ways. Click below to watch the video, read more and reflect.

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  • Watch: ARTS-Us

    Learn about an organization in St. Paul that is incorporating the idea of a healthy body and a healthy mind into everything they do.

  • Watch: Appetite for Change

    Learn about an organization in North Minneapolis with a mission to build “wealth, health and social change.”

  • Watch: ThreeSixty Journalism

    Learn about the University of Minnesota’s Antiracism Center and how they’re putting mothers first.

  • The Black Liberation Movement: Mirror of America

    From the Minnesota Historical Society: Join distinguished University of St. Thomas professor Dr. Yohuru Williams and a panel of Black history-keepers as they chart the evolution of Black protest in Minnesota and on a national scale, from slavery through today.

  • Racism and Minnesota's Progressive Illusion

    From the Minnesota Historical Society: Join us for a conversation around the new book, Sparked: George Floyd, Racism, and the Progressive Illusion (MNHS Press), a collection of essays that reflect on racial dynamics in the Twin Cities and the intersection of the wonderful and wretched sides of that existence. Two of the book’s editors, Walter R. Jacobs and Wendy Thompson Taiwo, will be joined by contributors Terrion L. Williamson and Yohuru Williams to discuss the themes explored in Sparked and the issues confronting Minnesota today.

  • Black Liberation Movement: Sports & Justice

    From the Minnesota Historical Society: Black activism in sports has a long and powerful history from Muhammad Ali losing his heavyweight title after refusing to comply with the Vietnam War draft on ethical grounds, to athletes taking a knee and using their collective power to effect change. How has America been shaped by Black sports activists? How has sports activism changed over time—in Minnesota and nationally?

United States Civil Rights Trail Photo Gallery

View the gallery at the link below for a virtual tour of the sites and settings that contributed to our nation’s civil rights narrative. Scroll through snapshots from across the country and gain inspiration and ideas for creating your own transformative journey.

View the Gallery