Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

COVID-19 Message

So much in our lives is uncertain and scary right now. We are all wondering how to navigate daily life when so much has changed.

The Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota puts Minnesota communities at the core of its work to tackle the leading causes of preventable death and disease – by advancing health equity, transforming communities and creating a healthier state. Centering our communities now is more important than ever and will require sacrifice out of our deep concern and care for one another – especially marginalized communities, who will be most impacted by COVID-19 and its effects.

How can you support your fellow community members?

Listen and follow the guidance of public health experts

The Minnesota Department of Health has a dedicated web page devoted to providing updates and guidance for individuals, families, businesses, community organizations, first responders and health care providers. Information is also available in Hmong, Somali, Spanish, and American Sign Language (ASL)

Twin Cities Public Television has also put together a resources page in multiple languages, a resource for parents to talk about COVID-19 with kids, short videos and social media graphics (also in multiple languages), found here.

Supporting one another

Community matters now more than ever. Minnesotans are rising to the occasion. COVID-19 is causing stress for everyone, perhaps in different ways, and we all have different coping mechanisms. But in the face of adversity, we already coming together to support one another and it is truly inspiring.

What does this community support look like? It looks like:

  • Feeding our neighbors. Blue Cross will be donating $750,000 to Second Harvest for emergency food shelf assistance to support those experiencing food insecurity as a result of COVID-19. We encourage you to consider donating food or money to support Second Harvest or your own local food banks. Offer to bring someone a meal to their doorstep who may not otherwise be able to easily access healthy food right now.
  • Taking care and protecting those most vulnerable to the virus. Staying home when we’re sick and social distancing ourselves is critical.
  • Extending compassion and being an advocate. Rather than spreading rumors about people who are sick and staying home, we need to show love and support. Unfortunately, a number of groups are bearing the brunt of stigma, including Asian-Americans and folks living homeless. Stand up to xenophobia and racism when you see it.
  • Blue Cross coverage updates. If you are a Blue Cross member, we will offer full coverage for medically necessary diagnostic testing and office visits related to COVID-19. You can find more information on this, which will be regularly updated, here.

It can feel like a scary time right now. That’s real. Let’s acknowledge the fear and anxiety and then choose to focus on the ways that we can show up for each other right now.