Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

Commercial Tobacco Use

Fourteen percent of Minnesotans smoke—and the prevalence of commercial tobacco use is much higher among certain groups. The problem is about more than just numbers. It’s also about the growing influence of new products and the tobacco industry’s targeting of certain populations in our state.


Our Historical Commitment

Blue Cross has a history of being leader for reducing commercial tobacco use in Minnesota. Our historic lawsuit against the commercial tobacco industry resulted in changes to how tobacco products could be marketed. We worked with other advocates and community organizations to pass Minnesota’s Freedom to Breathe ActMost recently, we supported the passage of a state law to raise the sale age of commercial tobacco products from 18 to 21 and have been advocating for a statewide ban of menthol and flavored tobacco products. Flavors are driving the state’s youth tobacco crisis, and the industry marketing of flavored products is a huge driver of tobacco-related health disparities.

In 2023, we supported Minnesota lawmakers to pass the Health and Human Services budget bill which included the Tobacco Treatment Bill (SF1320 / HF1574). The treatment bill expands access to tobacco dependency treatment to Minnesotans on Medicaid and MinnesotaCare, a policy authored by Representative Robert Bierman and Senator Kelly Morrison. Read the full release here.

Reducing Tobacco Inequities

Commercial tobacco companies aggressively target low-income people, LGBTQ communities and certain ethnic groups in Minnesota. Additionally, smoking rates are almost double that of the general population for people with mental illness or substance use disorders. Because of commercial tobacco’s harmful targeting, these populations show higher commercial tobacco use and higher rates of smoking-related disease. We want to reduce the overall number of people using commercial tobacco, but we’re especially focused on reducing rates for populations who experience the greatest health inequities. One key approach is through local policy change. Flavored and menthol tobacco, including e-cigarettes, are used at disproportionately higher rates by communities of color, LGBTQ people and people with mental illness or substance use disorders. We supported the passage of ordinances that restrict the sale of menthol and flavored tobacco products in cities like Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth.

We have published case studies on the passage of the policies in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth [PDF Link] as well as the implementation of the policies in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth and Falcon Heights [PDF Link]. More recently, we have supported the passage of an ordinance to regulate price discounting of commercial tobacco products in Minneapolis and close the “sampling” loophole that allows indoor smoking in the city.

Tackling New Tobacco Products

Some of the newest, and most alarming, commercial tobacco products gaining popularity are e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes contain nicotine and other toxic chemicals, and they come in fruit, candy and menthol flavors that are appealing to youth. E-cigarette use, or “vaping,” among youth is increasing at alarming rates. When e-cigarettes are used indoors, they threaten our clean indoor air laws and could help renormalize smoking. Supporting communities to create solutions to rid commercial tobacco from their neighborhoods is a complex and unique fight. Much work is focused on local policies that eliminate menthol and all flavors from commercial tobacco, as well as eliminating coupons and price discounting. Other work uses cultural competency, awareness and education that counter the tobacco industry targeting of LGBTQ+ youth.

Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation

Co-chaired by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation is a coalition of over 60 community organizations leading the fight against youth commercial tobacco use by supporting policies like Tobacco 21, keeping tobacco prices high, limiting access to candy, fruit, and menthol flavored tobacco.

Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation

Co-chaired by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation is a coalition of over 60 community organizations leading the fight against youth commercial tobacco use by supporting policies like Tobacco 21, keeping tobacco prices high, limiting access to candy-, fruit- and menthol-flavored tobacco and funding future tobacco prevention programs.

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