Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

Our History

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Freedom to Breathe Act Becomes Law

In a momentous effort, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota joins a wide coalition of health organizations and businesses to lobby for passage of the historic Freedom to Breathe Act. The law guarantees Minnesotans smoke-free air in all public indoor spaces, including workplaces, restaurants and bars.

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Minnesotans for Healthy Kids

Blue Cross reaffirms its commitment to promoting healthy eating and increasing physical activity by joining the Minnesotans for Healthy Kids Coalition. With more than 25 member organizations, the coalition works to improve health and reduce obesity among Minnesota’s children through policy change.

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Communities for Healthy Air

The primary goal of Communities for Healthy Air was to reduce Minnesotans’ exposure to secondhand smoke by working to pass local smoke-free policies. They were instrumental in driving public support for the successful passage of the Freedom to Breathe Act and become an invaluable asset as community advocates through 2008.