Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

Our History

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Complete Streets Becomes A Reality

Complete Streets legislation is signed, fueled by a collaboration between the Center and numerous partners. Complete Streets — transportation policies that provide safe access for all road users — make walking and biking easier for everyone, and allow more people to be active in their daily lives.

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Market Bucks and EBT at Farmers Markets

The Center partners with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to help Minnesotans receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits increase access to healthy foods. Increased EBT (electronic benefit transfer) card acceptance and incentives in the form of “Market Bucks” help low-income Minnesotans make healthy choices at local farmers markets.

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Launch of Open Streets Events

Open Streets transforms streets into safe places to walk, bike, play and connect with neighbors. Launching in Minneapolis and Fargo/Moorhead in 2010, Open Streets events continue to pop up in communities throughout Minnesota, helping build momentum for active living.