Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

Our History

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Elevating Health Equity

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota believes that all people, regardless of race, income, ZIP code or other factors, should have opportunities to live the healthiest lives possible. In 2013, the Center elevated our focus on health equity, naming it as one of our four primary goals. Today, we recognize increasing health equity as the central theme driving our work, spanning all focus areas and acting as the end objective for everything we do.

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Tobacco Tax Increase Passes

As a part of the Raise It for Health Coalition, the Center helps pass a $1.60 per pack increase in the price of tobacco. This is projected to have significant impacts, including preventing 47,700 Minnesota kids from becoming addicted as adults and saving Minnesotans $1.65 billion in long-term health care costs.

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Launch of Health Equity in Prevention

Acting on our commitment to health equity, the Center funds 13 initiatives that aim to reduce tobacco use, increase access to healthy food and make active living easier for communities that face the greatest disparities in Minnesota.

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Walk! Bike! Fun!

The Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum helps schools teach children how to safely walk and bike in their communities, including lessons on crossing the road, traffic laws and responsible riding. These are life long skills that make active living easy, safe and fun for Minnesota kids.

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Move MN

As a member of the Move MN Coalition, the Center participates in an effort to raise awareness about transportation needs across the state and to push for a comprehensive funding solution that includes considerations for pedestrians and people on bikes.

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$3 Million to Active Living for All

The Center awards more than $3 million in funding to nine organizations and their efforts to increase access and reduce barriers to physical activity. These initiatives work hard to improve the health and livability of communities across the state.