Blue Cross Blue Shield Center for Racial Health & Equity

Our History

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ThreeSixty Journalism

The ThreeSixty Journalism collaboration includes two camps that aim to empower the next generation of diverse storytellers, change the dominant narrative on health, and give voice to those most impacted by racial and health inequities.

In 2022, the theme for News Reporter Academy and TV Broadcast Camp was Holistic Racial and Health Equity. High School aged students reported on community-led solutions to addressing racial and health inequities in Minnesota. Featured stories emphasized how health is more than just physical and focused on the impacts that racism and homophobia have on the mental and emotional health of individuals, families, and communities.

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Minneapolis Institute of Arts

The Center for Prevention partnered with the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA) to create a public art exhibition of racial and health-equity themed artworks.  This exhibition featured paintings, drawings and sculptures by local high school student artists who participated in a program focused on the impacts of racism on health.